- 《周恩来的四个昼夜》读书心得体会
- 我在xx市文化艺术中心电影城观看了电影《周恩来的四个昼夜》,随着故事的逐步展开,我被深深感动,几度落泪。影片同时也深深地启发了我
- 2018-09-19 关注:49
- 读《大数据时代》读书心得体会
- 读了《大数据时代》后,感觉到一个大变革的时代将要来临。虽然还不怎么明了到底要彻底改变哪些思维和操作方式,但显然作者想要“
- 2018-09-19 关注:47
- 巴金《家》读书心得体会范文
- 最近正在重读《家》这部经典著作。初一的时候只读过一半,这几天正好借着电视剧《家》的热播重读经典。 巴金的代表作是《激流》三
- 2018-09-19 关注:41
- 《你在为谁工作》读书心得体会
- 《你在为谁工作》这一书,主要阐述了我们为何要努力工作和如何去努力工作,通过多个真实的社会写照,成功人士对待工作的态度,让我们知
- 2018-09-19 关注:52
- 《平凡的世界》读书心得体会
- 许多人都喜欢用“平凡”这个词来描述自己,用它的反义词——“伟大”来形容他人。的确,在茫茫的人海中
- 2018-09-19 关注:60
- 英语书信格式范文
- Mechanical Engineering Department Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116023 Liaoning,China November28,1999 Mr. WangXiming
- 2018-03-24 关注:70
- 申请信英语书信格式范文
- The Department of Civil Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116023 Liaoning Province P.R.China November 20,199
- 2018-03-24 关注:70
- 经典英语书信格式范文
- Dear My Friend, How are you? Do you want to know about my English study?OK,I will tell you. I study English at Sunday a
- 2018-03-24 关注:74
- 建议信英语书信格式范文
- 21 June 2006 Dear Mary, Thanks for your last letter. I'm so glad that you have been able (at last! ) to arrange a holiday
- 2018-03-24 关注:207
- 精选优秀英语书信格式范文
- 20 June 2006 Dear Mr. Seaton, Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the fi
- 2018-03-24 关注:57
- 售后服务英语书信范文
- September 1, 2001 Dear Sir or Madam: I’m writing to complain about a typewriter I bought seven months ago. In Feb
- 2018-03-24 关注:108
- 求职英语书信范文
- Ms. Yang: I was referred to you by Mr. Zhang, a Partner with your Beijing office, who informed me that the Shanghai office
- 2018-03-24 关注:55
- 介绍英语书信范文
- Dear Sam, I'm very glad to hear that you'll travel to China next month. Now I'll tell you something about the greatest pla
- 2018-03-24 关注:56
- 初中英语教学反思范文
- 一、树立信心,明确目标 信心是动力,目标是方向。我们知道初三英语生词多,课文长而且难,听、说、读、写要求高。学生在学习中将会
- 2018-03-21 关注:66
- 高中英语教学反思范文
- 教学也是一种艺术,我也一直把这句广告词作为激励自己的座右铭。要想作到更好,就必需对过去的工作进行不断的反思,总结经验教训,查
- 2018-03-21 关注:40
- 英语教学课后反思范文
- 以前,本人教的都是职高类的教材。2XXX年9月始,首次接触新课标高一新教材,一转眼,高一的教学即将结束。回顾一年来的教学历程,发现
- 2018-03-21 关注:51
- 小学英语教学反思范文
- 英语是一门国际的通用语言,小学英语教学也就成了热门的话题。英语教学在很多时候都要经历考试,因此很多学生都被考试压的喘不过气来,
- 2018-03-21 关注:55
- 精选英语教学反思范文
- 第一、对英语高效课堂有了更深的理解和认识,实现了高效课堂也就是实现了个人利益与国家利益的高度统一。高效课堂是为了学生的发展,不
- 2018-03-21 关注:89
- 大学毕业生英语个人简历范文
- Zheng Yan Objective To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and developme
- 2018-03-21 关注:55
- 经济专业英语个人简历范文
- english resume: brief outline name: hamson cheungage: 23sex: malehealth: goodnative place: huiyan ,guangdongcollege graduated
- 2018-03-21 关注:52
- 法学英语个人简历范文
- Name: Mr. Cen Sex: Male National: Han Political landscape: members Date of Birth: June 1986 Account: Shaoxing City Marital st
- 2018-03-21 关注:56
- 关于母爱的英文作文范文
- It has been admitted that mother’s love is the greatest, because they give birth to us and never ask anything from us.
- 2018-03-19 关注:50
- 销售英语个人简历范文
- 94 southern province, Boston Near merry Home: Cell: Email: robert.andrew@gki.co Career objective : A skilled and experience
- 2018-03-19 关注:54
- 给笔友英语感谢信范文
- dear dde, i would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your very active participatio
- 2018-03-19 关注:63
- 面试英语感谢信范文
- dear mr. xx, 尊敬的xx先生: thank you very much for the interview yesterday. i learned a great deal about your company,
- 2018-03-19 关注:67
- 离职英语感谢信范文
- Respect leadership and colleagues:You are good! I due to personal reasons, quit OA development engineer position, leaving
- 2018-03-19 关注:52
- 写给父母的英语感谢信范文
- Dear Mom and Dad, Although we can only keep in touch with each other by the telephone or the Internet, I wish I could let
- 2018-03-19 关注:66
- 给老师的英语感谢信范文
- dear teacher , i am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning english and speaking english. during
- 2018-03-19 关注:62
- 关于健康的英文作文范文
- Nowadays, it is the common situation for the young people to stay up, some are addicted to the computer games, and some are
- 2018-03-19 关注:53
- 保护环境英文书信格式范文
- Have you ever thought of saving electricity when you're comfortable blowing air conditioners on a summer night? After you was
- 2018-03-17 关注:66
- 财务管理专业英文求职信范文
- Dear Sir/Madam: Hello! I am XXXX college financial management professional graduates, I am very honored to be very pleased
- 2018-03-17 关注:235
- 英文书信格式范文
- 英文书信一般由六部分组成。即:信头(Heading)、信内地址(Inside Address), 称呼(Salutation),正文(Body of Letter)、结束语(com#pl
- 2018-03-17 关注:42
- 会计专业英文求职信范文
- dear mr ho application for the position of accounting manager in response to your advertisement in today's for the above
- 2018-03-16 关注:135
- 生物科研专业英文求职信范文
- dear leaders:hello! thank you for your busy schedule for taking the time to read down the letter to my job! i am about to
- 2018-03-16 关注:119
- 数学专业英文求职信范文
- Respected leader: Hello! Thank you for taking the time to review my cover letter, gave me a chance to introduce myself. As
- 2018-03-16 关注:125
- 英语翻译英文求职信范文
- Dear manager, Hello!I learned from the 51job web site that your company wanted to hire an english translator. I am interes
- 2018-03-16 关注:83
- 机械类英文个人简历范文
- Gender: Male Nationality: Han nationality age: 31 Marital status: married professional name: mechanical and electrical integr
- 2018-03-16 关注:52
- 学前教育英文个人简历范文
- Female, 24 years old Education: Junior College Expected salary: 3000-5000 Length of work: 3-5 years Working area: Shanghai Wo
- 2018-03-16 关注:566
- 文员英文个人简历范文
- Gender: Female Age: 22 years old, height: 158CM Marital status: unmarried Residence: Zunyi, Guizhou Province Highest educatio
- 2018-03-16 关注:65
- 高中毕业生英文个人简历范文
- Name: Christine Fan van Gender: female, height: 173cm weight: 56kg Native place: Shaanxi, Xianyang Date of birth: 1984.2 Educ
- 2018-03-16 关注:134
- 播音专业英文个人简历范文
- Full name: Gender: Female Age: 22 Weight: 45 Nationality: Han nationality Height: 160 cm Residence: Hunan, Changsha Marital
- 2018-03-15 关注:40
- 给老师的英文感谢信范文
- dear teacher , i am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning english and speaking english. during th
- 2018-03-15 关注:46
- 给朋友的英文感谢信范文
- Dear Chen Lin and Li Hua, I’ve just been out of hospital for a couple of days. Right now ,I am really fine, but wit
- 2018-03-15 关注:183
- 给家人英文感谢信范文
- Dear parents, How is everything these days? I miss you very much. I am very happy at my new shool. My teachers and stud
- 2018-03-15 关注:168
- 给领导的英文感谢信范文
- Dear Mr. Gibson Thank you, Mr. Gibson. I feel deeply indebted to you and I really don't know how to thank you enough for
- 2018-03-15 关注:62
- 写给客户的英文感谢信范文
- Date and Place Mr.____ Minister of _____ (Address) Beijing,China Dear Minister, I am writing this letter to thank you for
- 2018-03-15 关注:38
- 石油专业英文辞职信范文
- Dear Mr. Please accept my resignation as associate chemist at the GERT Institute. I plan to leave my job here on September
- 2018-03-15 关注:49
- 公司运营英文辞职信范文
- Dear I am offering my resignation as operations manager of the XXX plant, effective May 15. As of now, I’m not quite
- 2018-03-15 关注:42
- 金融职员英文辞职信范文
- dear mr.wong, re:resignation from the pos to settlement clerk i would like to let you know how much i have enjoyed my l
- 2018-03-14 关注:44
- 公司职员英文辞职信范文
- Dear all friends, I would like to take a moment to let you know that I am leaving XXX(公司名) and tomorrow will be my l
- 2018-03-14 关注:40
- 外企职员英文辞职信范文
- Dear Richard, After careful consideration and soul-searching, I have decided resign my position as internal auditor at ICC
- 2018-03-14 关注:52
- 市场营销类论文引言范文
- 语用规范对新闻传播的影响 【内容摘要】: 新闻信息的传播离不开新闻语言,准确地发出信息、充分地传递信息、正确地接受信息,均有赖
- 2018-03-14 关注:38
- 国际贸易类论文引言范文
- 贸易实证分析 【摘要】本文从上海与马来西亚贸易发展的现状入手,通过使用双边贸易结合度、贸易竞争力指数和产业内贸易指数等进行实
- 2018-03-14 关注:43
- 教育类论文引言范文
- 经济学引言范文 美国经济学家通过国民生产总值及工人工资的增加,揭示了教育在经济发展中的重要作用。他们的研究在现代社会学科中确
- 2018-03-14 关注:87
- 英语类论文引言范文
- 有关大学英语口语 摘要:大学英语教学的主要任务之一是全面提高学生的英语口语水平。但是,目前大学英语口语教学存在着一些问题,使
- 2018-03-14 关注:72
- 会计审计类论文引言范文
- 摘 要:电力监管机构在对电力企业进行监管的过程中,有效的监管会计制度是其关键一环。所以建立一套有序的、切合中国实际的电力监管会
- 2018-03-14 关注:37
- 金融专业银行面试自我介绍范文
- 我叫**,江苏省徐州人,毕业于xx大学金融学专业。除了简历上您看到的内容,我愿意特别说一下我来贵银行应聘这份职位的原因: 首先,我
- 2018-03-13 关注:33
- 1000字银行面试自我介绍范文
- 各位考官,上午好!: 通过考试,今天,我以本岗位笔试第*的成绩进入了面试。对我来说,这次工作机会显得尤为珍贵。 我叫***,今年27
- 2018-03-13 关注:32
- 银行面试自我介绍范文两篇
- 篇一: 尊敬的各位考官: 你们好,很荣幸能够进入第二轮的面试。 我叫李国安,今年25岁。毕业于广西xx大学会计专业。大学四年,通
- 2018-03-13 关注:76
- 银行面试自我介绍经验范文
- 银行面试,自我介绍是很重要的环节。大部分银行机构的初面以及少部分银行的二面,都会涉及自我介绍环节,而对于广大面试考生来说,自
- 2018-03-13 关注:46