
94 southern province, Boston
Near merry
Email: robert.andrew@gki.co
Career objective :
A skilled and experienced telemarketing professional with more than five years of experienced in the mentioned position. Exposed to diverse business organizations dealing with different service and products. Looking for a challenging position in an organization to utilize my skills and knowledge.
Areas of Interest :
Good communication and supervisory skills
Proficient in Microsoft Office, Word and Excel
Possess good management skills
Extensive knowledge of developing scripts and promotion product
Possess excellent phone etiquettes
Ability to work under pressure
Professional Experience:
ABC Network & Enterprises, Marytown, BC
20XX till date
Telemarketing manager
Implemented strategic business plans and set sales targets
Responsible for hiring, training and supervising over fifty Tele Sales representatives
Handled the tasks of designing and executing quality standards to improve call quality
Responsible for establishing sales goals and objectives of the organizations
Conducted meetings with branch Tele Sales managers
Performed inventory control to prevent fraud and loss
ATRD Business associate & Co, Marytown, BC
19XX to 20XX
Telemarketing Representatives
Responsible for preparing presentations about the products and services
Conducted market research to obtain potential customers
Handled customer queries about service, product and price
Maintained record of orders and customer contacts
Confirmed orders with field representatives
Responsible for follow-up on existing quotes
Professional Achievements:
Awarded Tele Sales person of the year, 20XX
Increased sales by 98% within two months
Educational summary:
Bachelor of Arts in Business administration, Daffodils College, 19XX
Master of Arts in Marketing, University of Marytown, BC 19XX
时间:2018-03-19 作者:爱开大学生 来源:爱开大学生 关注:
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