Wisdom to give up智慧放弃

The results are important, most look forward to, but well worth doing things the process more experience and treasure because of the good results we will be more happy, but the process to enrich our lives. Human life is the last leg of the death, we can not therefore say that our life is of no significance. In fact, life itself has no meaning, only your own life gives you a sense you want to achieve, to enjoy the process is a life of significance. The third sentence is: not necessarily the shortest line between two points.
       In interpersonal relationships and in the process of doing things, we are not simply take it for granted that we will be able to do a good job. We sometimes need to wait for the opportunity, and sometimes need partners, sometimes necessary communication skills. The difficulties encountered. Obstacles, Stiffness, hard-is not necessarily the only way to solve the problem, choose to bypass the difficulties, to bypass obstacles, a chance to solve it again so perhaps more smoothly. Fourth sentence: only know how to stop people know how to speed up the pace.
      Most people in the ski time, the greatest experience is not been stopped. Watching other people find it very easy to ski, if not trained their slide, often encountered badly beaten. The crux of the matter is that simply do not know how to maintain a balance. As long as we can in fact stop, it would not hit the tree and hit a rock and hit people. Therefore, only know how to stop people before they know how high-speed ahead. Fifth sentence: give up is a kind of wisdom.
      When you have six apples, do not eat them all, because you eat all of the six apples, you only get a taste, that is, Apple's taste. If you put Apple in six out of the five others to eat, but you actually have been five other personal friendship and affection, or even more. When other people have other things, and you will also share. Finally you may have been six different fruits, six different tastes, six different nutrition, six of friendship. People must learn how to use your own things for you in exchange for more important things and the rich. Therefore, it is wisdom to give up.

时间:2017-01-16 作者:爱开大学生 来源:爱开大学生 关注:
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