
Are you a tourist, or a traveller?
And more importantly: who cares? It's such a stupid question.
There are people out there who truly believe they're doing their travel in a way that's fundamentally "better" than everyone else, but they're kidding themselves. Really, we're all just out there taking time off from our jobs to spend some of our money – we're all essentially the same.
It's cool to think you're a "traveller" though. There was even a credit card company running a campaign recently with the slogan "Are you a tourist or a traveller?" Because apparently using a certain brand of credit card would be the deciding factor.
And you know when the banks are trying to cash in that this whole tourist/traveller thing has jumped the shark(开始走下坡路,失去吸引力).
The only difference I can see between tourists and travellers is a fair whack of pretension.
If you take yourself seriously enough to boast of being a "traveller", then there are probably a few other labels for you that are equally appropriate.
"Travellers" are out there though. For those on the lookout, the common, garden-variety traveller has a few dead giveaways.
You won't find a traveller at the Eiffel Tower or the Colosseum. Travellers would avoid the obvious destinations and instead plump for somewhere that's rarely visited, and preferably requires a cool-looking visa. That destination might turn out to be rubbish – not that a traveller would admit it – but that's besides the point.
The fact is they went there, and the tourists didn't.

时间:2017-01-06 作者:爱开大学生 来源:爱开大学生 关注:
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