
dear mr. arline,
   i would like to be considered as a candidate for the assistant computer programmer position advertised in the philadelphia inquirer on april 28, XX.
   i’m currently finishing my degree in computer science at rowan university. i have taken every required computer course offered at   rowan and have a solid background in the following computer languages: c++, visual basic, pascal, and cobol. in addition to my computer background, i have supplemented my education with business and mathematics courses.
   my knowledge of computers and the business field goes beyond my formal classroom education. for the past two years i have worked   part-time at radio shack, where i have gained experience in sales and inventory control. also, on my own initiative, i designed a   demonstration program for the compaq presario 5062 and developed promotional fliers about the program.
   in short, i believe i have the up-to-date computer background and professional drive needed to contribute to your organization. i have enclosed a copy of my resume to give you further details about my experience. sometime next week, i’ll give a call to see whether i can come in for an interview at your convenience. i look forward to speaking with you then.
时间:2018-03-23 作者:爱开大学生 来源:爱开大学生 关注:
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