
        As we can see, more and more university graduates choose to seek their future in big cities. In my opinion,it’s natural and blameless and I approve of the phenomenon firmly.
        As is known to us all, many big companies locate their headquarters in big cities.as a result, the graduates are easier to hunt a wonderful job. For example, in   Zhongguancun, Haidian District, there are so many big electronic firms. If we can become a member of any one of them, our future is probably bright.
   Secondly, the living conditions in big cities are superior to other smaller cities. The transportations, catering and living are convenient. Last but not least, graduates will obtain higher promotion and development in the future if they are in big cities.
       There is no denying that there are some disadvantages in big cities. However, it’s the attraction of benefits that drive more and more graduates choose to seek their future in big cities.
   Plenty of students decide to stay in big cities after graduation, becoming a member of the fast-paced big city.
   Meanwhile, some students start their career in small towns, enjoying the easy life there. In my opinion, both choices have advantages and disadvantages: in big cities, there are more job opportunities, more fashionable products and more wonderful night-life for us young people, but the fast-paced life and high consumption level can easily make us tired and exhausted; on the contrary, in small town, the easy and slow-paced life there will make people more comfortable, but there are fewer work positions and less entertainment. To me, first of all, a good job is the most important thing when I making my choice, regardless of big city or small town. Secondly, I intend to go back to my hometown Wuhan, which is a big city.    Anyway, no matter where you work, you should always work hard on your job, which is the most important thing.
时间:2018-03-22 作者:爱开大学生 来源:爱开大学生 关注:
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