
Adam Rice
123, North Street Atlanta, Georgia, 01234
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Career Objective
To obtain a managerial electronics engineer position that supports product development
Summary of Skills
. Expertise in electrica1 circuit design and testing techniques
. Knowledge of com#puter programming that include C++, Java & Pascal
. Good academic record in electronic engineering
Professional Experience
AT&A, Decatur, GA, 2005 to Present
Electronic Engineer
. Providing assistance to trainee engineers in the R&D laboratory
. Responsible for testing equipment circuits and its new features
. Acting as a liaison between R&D and manufacturing department
. Trained technicians for the proper use of machines and equipments
Bell Telecom#, Oakdale , GA, 2004 -2005
Trainee Engineer
. Responsible for instrument's precision & quality check that included electric adjustments laser alignment
City Electronic Industries, Bolton, GA, 2002 -2004
Intern Engineer
. Developed plan for the control panels
. Assisted to develop testing units for automotive industry
. Developed engineering plans for the interior and fabrication of high end automobiles
Educational Qualification
Georgia State University, New York Bachelor of Science in
Electronic Engineering, 2002
时间:2018-03-20 作者:爱开大学生 来源:爱开大学生 关注:
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